Monday 31 August 2015

Easy Mug Cake Recipe!!

If there's something I love ~ thats cupcakes! But they take time to make , and to be honest I dont always have them time after along day at school. So then I turn to the equally delicious Mug cakes!!! If you haven't heard of them , they are basically a cake in a mug. It's sorta in the name :3 Here's how to make one! 

~White Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe!!! YUM!!!~

What you need: 
~ 9 squares of white chocolate.
~4 Tablespoons of milk.
~ 1/4 Cup Of Flour
~1/4 Baking powder
~ A mug!!! 
~ Maybe some cream for decoration and chocolate flakes ~ basically anything    you wanna put on top!


1~ Melt the chocolate and 3 tablespoons of milk together in a microwave for        30 seconds (until the chocolate has melted)
2~ Add the flour and baking powder and the last tablespoon of milk, then mix!
3~ Pop in the microwave for around a minute (until the cake has risen! )
4~ Decorate it with yummi stuff!!
5~ EAT IT!!! XD 

See? Simples!!! :D Send me photos of your mug cakes below!!! 

Love ya!!! 

*I do not take any responsibility for injury or other problems (damages , allergies , ect.) 

Friday 28 August 2015

Something you love...

Tell me something you love. That you lust for. That makes you feel all giddy on the inside. It's a nice feeling , right? But what if you can't have it? Then you start to feel a bit sick and you can feel your heart drop. You want to go somewhere else and cry.

That's what it's like when I find out I can't travel.
What I want most in my life is to travel.
I want to take photos of the places I go and the people I meet.
Im sick of waking up in the same place , seeing the same stuff and wondering 'Is this really what I want to do with my life? Is this my purpose in life? When will my life begin?'

My parents always say we dont have enough money, or theres too many problems abroad, or I have to focus with my education. To be honest , I've learnt more from when I've been abroad than in school. You learn about cultures, people, money,travel, ect. More than a school could ever teach.

Anoughter thing I love is reciving letters. I love that!!! It's much more special than a text that can easily be deleted. A letter makes you feel special . Like the person who wrote it , took time out of there lives for you! Just for you! To take intrest in the things you do.

Can you relate to any of this? Tell me below!!!

Love ya,

Tuesday 4 August 2015

The importance of being HAPPY!!!

Hey! :)

I hope your having a great day!!!
Today I wanna talk to you about being happy!!!

Being happy has it's own health bennefits:

1) You feel good! And you feel good because your happy ~ simple!!!
2) You have a lower chance of illness.
3) If you do get sick , you have a higher chance of recovering faster!
4) Less stress!!!
5) People will feel more comfortable with you!

I know it's hard to be happy all the time! But try to look for the good in everything. Even if you dont feel like it , push yourself! Before you know it you'll start to feel better!

Dont worry be happy!!!
