Monday 30 November 2015

Winter Hacks!

Have some winter hacks for ,well ,winter?!

Shave off them nasty bobbles on coats and tops!!!


Baiiii xx

I don't own any of theese photos, all rights go to the respectful owners.

Friday 9 October 2015


What is the point in saying goals?
How will it make other people feel?
Why bother saying it?

There's no reason too!
 When someone says 'Friendship goals' on Instagram or Facebook I think to myself ~ why? Arn't you happy with your own relationship and friends? Like thats the only thing you care about. Like them people arnt good enough. Hair goals and simular stuff is okay. But NOT when it includes other people! It hurts there feelings and its okay when other people say it about you, but not when you say it about yourself.

Does anyone else understand what I mean???
It pisses me off so much. Im sorry for this rant. Its just been building up for a while (6-8 months xD)

Tuesday 15 September 2015

No foundation? No problem!


How confident are you? Think about it. Could you go out in public/school without wearing makeup?
I could but I would constantly feel anxious about it. I think 'Why is everyone staring at me?! Am I that ugly? Urghhh!!! Why didnt I put makeup on???' So then I read online about how makeup ruins your skin ect. So I thought, maybe if I just ditch the foundation because it takes too much effort to put on in the mornings anyway. The results :

1st Day ~ I hated what I looked like, wishing I put on foundation to hide my freckles.

2nd Day ~ I had a little more confidnce, I just did my eye make up better!!! Which helped!!! Unfortunatly I was having a bad hair day!!! Noooo!!!

3rd Day~ A little less confident because this boy said '' Will you go out with my mate??!!'' So I instantly thought he was saying it because I looked bad. Then anoughter boy said ''Urgh shes blinding me!'' Which knocked my confidence.

4th Day~ At the start I wasn't so confident, but through out the day I gained it back :)

5th Day~ It was like I didnt even care about it anymore!!!

You should try this!!! It saves money, gains you confidence and gives you better skin!!!
At first I thought I couldn't do this and would give up half way into the week , but I kept trying and I did it!!! And if I can ~ So can you!!!!

Your gorgeous!!! :D


Monday 31 August 2015

Easy Mug Cake Recipe!!

If there's something I love ~ thats cupcakes! But they take time to make , and to be honest I dont always have them time after along day at school. So then I turn to the equally delicious Mug cakes!!! If you haven't heard of them , they are basically a cake in a mug. It's sorta in the name :3 Here's how to make one! 

~White Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe!!! YUM!!!~

What you need: 
~ 9 squares of white chocolate.
~4 Tablespoons of milk.
~ 1/4 Cup Of Flour
~1/4 Baking powder
~ A mug!!! 
~ Maybe some cream for decoration and chocolate flakes ~ basically anything    you wanna put on top!


1~ Melt the chocolate and 3 tablespoons of milk together in a microwave for        30 seconds (until the chocolate has melted)
2~ Add the flour and baking powder and the last tablespoon of milk, then mix!
3~ Pop in the microwave for around a minute (until the cake has risen! )
4~ Decorate it with yummi stuff!!
5~ EAT IT!!! XD 

See? Simples!!! :D Send me photos of your mug cakes below!!! 

Love ya!!! 

*I do not take any responsibility for injury or other problems (damages , allergies , ect.) 

Friday 28 August 2015

Something you love...

Tell me something you love. That you lust for. That makes you feel all giddy on the inside. It's a nice feeling , right? But what if you can't have it? Then you start to feel a bit sick and you can feel your heart drop. You want to go somewhere else and cry.

That's what it's like when I find out I can't travel.
What I want most in my life is to travel.
I want to take photos of the places I go and the people I meet.
Im sick of waking up in the same place , seeing the same stuff and wondering 'Is this really what I want to do with my life? Is this my purpose in life? When will my life begin?'

My parents always say we dont have enough money, or theres too many problems abroad, or I have to focus with my education. To be honest , I've learnt more from when I've been abroad than in school. You learn about cultures, people, money,travel, ect. More than a school could ever teach.

Anoughter thing I love is reciving letters. I love that!!! It's much more special than a text that can easily be deleted. A letter makes you feel special . Like the person who wrote it , took time out of there lives for you! Just for you! To take intrest in the things you do.

Can you relate to any of this? Tell me below!!!

Love ya,

Tuesday 4 August 2015

The importance of being HAPPY!!!

Hey! :)

I hope your having a great day!!!
Today I wanna talk to you about being happy!!!

Being happy has it's own health bennefits:

1) You feel good! And you feel good because your happy ~ simple!!!
2) You have a lower chance of illness.
3) If you do get sick , you have a higher chance of recovering faster!
4) Less stress!!!
5) People will feel more comfortable with you!

I know it's hard to be happy all the time! But try to look for the good in everything. Even if you dont feel like it , push yourself! Before you know it you'll start to feel better!

Dont worry be happy!!!


Sunday 19 July 2015

Beach Hacks!

It's SUMMER!!!! Yay!!!
If you'r like me , you look on instagram and everyone is having fun at the beach. How could you have fun too and not worry about everything? Beach hacks!!! Read on to find out more!!

1) Put all your valubles in a shampoo bottle!!! But be sure you can get them out again!
Barbie Bieber and Beyond - Raising Girls: Must Know Life Hacks For Girls

 The same way that baby powder can act as a dry shampoo (in a pinch) to absorb excess oil, it works wonders at the beach. Once you’ve got your fill of sun and sand for the day, sprinkle baby powder on your feet, legs, and anywhere else where you’ve got sand stuck to you. The powder will absorb the moisture on your skin from sweat and salt water (which is what makes the sand stick to you) and you'll be able to wipe all of the sand off immediately.

3) Fed up of all them crisp packets and wrappers spilling everywhere? The answer is simple :
Reuse Coffeemate Containers and make the Snack Bottles from Mrs Happy Homemade. and 40 Beach Tips and Tricks - Hacks and Ideas for Your Trip to the Sand

4) Jelly fish sting? Just put vinegar on it!

5) Dont drink a cool drink in the heat! Sounds a bit strange right? Well , it'll cause you to get a headache , feel sick and get even hotter!

6) Put a paper cup over an ice-cream cone! It'll stop it from melting onto your hands!

7) Strawberry's with the stalk in? Get a straw and put it over it then push down on it!It'll come out!

8) Clogged ears from swimming? Inflate a ballon! It's that simple!!!!

9) Floating drink/food crate! Get a pool noodle and a plastic box , stick the pool noodle around the box and voila!

10) Create your own beachy hair spray! All you have to do is mix 3 teaspoons of salt ,some lemon juice , some warm water then put it all in a spray bottle.

Have a fun summer and stay safe!!!! Remember the suncream!!!

(I don't own any of the photos used . Credits go to the owners of them. I am not responsible for anything if it doesn't work or you get injured. )

Thursday 18 June 2015

Motivation & Inspiration!!!


If you're like me , you get inspired to be fit and eat healthy one minute and try it out for about 3 days - don't see any change and give up. Yep. We've all been there!
What everyone on these fitness videos/blogs/apps always say is you have to do it everyday for about a month to see change - wait! A month!? Yep! So this is what im going to do to get motivated over summer and get the body I've always wanted. It wont come easy but it will be worth it. Promise!

a~ Follow fitness accounts ( @blogilates ect.) get inspired off them.
b~ Unfollow them girls at your school/work with them perfect bodies - it's all lies darling! Everyone knows them girls who always brag about their figure and post pics of them on instagram with their tops rolled up and say stuff like 'I need to work on my figure.' Them accounts make you feel down right shit. UNFOLLOW!
c~ Follow daily inspo accounts . That make you feel better.
d~ Download fitness apps (Pump up , calorie counter, ect. are all good ones!)
e~ Learn some easy healthy recipes and -eeekkk - limit the amount of fatty foods you eat ( Especially le chocolate *faints* )
f~  Go on youtube for some fitness videos - there easy to find!!!
g~ Set your self a goal!!! Do you want abs? To loose 5 pounds? Do you want to look good in a bikini? Whatever it is , keep reminding yourself that you WILL get there! Set a photo of a goal on your phone , hang a dress you want to fit into on your door so each morning it'll remind you.
h~ Make yourself a fitness colander. Put at least 3 exercises you want to do each day on them - they're super easy!!
i~ Reward yourself! If you do this for a month then go buy yourself something you love or have always wanted.  ( Plus - a little chocolates always good ;) )

Work outs you could do:

20 squats,
50 air punches ( high , low , right , left )
20 Leg lifts

30 jumping jacks
20 roller-blades
jogging on the spot for 1-3 minutes

10 push ups
10 sit-ups
Plank for as long as possible ( feel the burnnnn!)

30 Squats
25 lunges
50 jumping jacks

3 mins of jog and points (jog on the spot and lift your legs up to point at them)
100 air punches
10 sit-ups
10 leg lifts

Swimming (Whatever you fancy )

Relax if you wish too!

*** Warning! You will feel sore! Take a nice hot bath to relax and sleep and drink plenty of water!***

(( If your struggling with the sit-ups place your feet under something like a bed or get someone to hold them ))

Remember to see an improvement you gotta keep at it. It takes 21 days for a habit to form so try and do this for 21 days for it to become a habit. Goodluck!!!



Sunday 24 May 2015

So recently , I've been watching theese social experiments on Youtube.
They have shocked me  and made me cry.
There was this one about this homeless kid and no-one would give money to him , then there was this one about bullying - Physical bullying . And guess what? No-one helped the victim. What has this world come too?
I also watched this one where this people were going to commit suicide but these cab drivers stopped them - I was crying about this.

There's good and bad in the world and what I dont get is where people want to get if we dont treat others with respect?

Be kind or leave.

Sunday 17 May 2015

How To : Exfoliate Your Lips!

If you're like me - you can't live without lipstick! I apply it almost everyday and whilst im at  school during the day. This causes my lips to dry out and cause dead skin. Ew!!! I was desperate for answers on how to stop this , until someone recommended exfoliating your lips. I can't stop doing this now - It's saved my life!! (Well sorta! :3 ) 

What you need:
~Honey (if you have any)
~Tooth Brush , Spoon or fingers ( Make sure you wash them!)

1) Put some honey on your spoon , brush or fingers .
2) Put some sugar on that.
3) Kiss it - so when you take it away its on your lips.
4) Rub them together until it tingles.
5) Wipe it off!!!

It's fantastic! And makes your lips feel fuller , smoother and darker in color :3

Drink water daily to keep them hydrated! Try not to use lip-balm or lick your lips much!

Monday 4 May 2015


May the Fourth be with you :3 ( Sorry I had too!)

Imma tell you how to have the best pamper evening ever! Pamper evening's are amazing to get that boost of freshness and give you some alone time to relax so read on to see how to make them amaz!!!

Have a bath and fill it with LOADS of bubbles!!! And I mean Loads!!! Add bathbombs and put some rose water in there if you want to come out all nice. Heck - you could even add petel's in there to make it prettier! 

Whilst your waiting for your bath to fill up with water , make a homemade face mask ( only if your not allergic to them!)
I usually mix up some egg whites and apply to my face ( Not eyes or mouth!) and wait till it becomes stiff (try seeing if you can smile) Then I add cucumber slices or potato slices to my eyes and relaxxxx....

Get in your bath and put some chocolate on the side of it. You could decorate the bathroom with candles but be careful! 

Relaxxxxx! If you have a waterproof phone/iPad you could play some games on that or you could listen to music or read :3 Anyway is fine !
Wash off your face mask in the bath or out of the bath.

Get out of the bath. Apply lotion. Wrap your hair up in a towel . Throw on your Onsie and pop on some perfume! Head to your room or downstairs and catch up on some quality TV time (  My favorite bit cuz of NETFLIX!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!) Eat as much or as little as you like!

You could go on your laptop and check out Youtube videos ,take cute Instagram photos or just sleep!!!
If you have acne you might want to put on some spot cream now. 
You could do your nails , bake or listen to some nice , calm , relaxing music ( or screamo!! xD ) 
Just enjoy yourself!!!

~Try not to go on your phone the entire time! Or try not to go on social media! :3 


Hugs and kisses xoxoxox 

Sunday 3 May 2015

EASY KYLIE JENNER LIPS!!! (No shot glass!)

So recently almost everyone in the world has heard of or done the Kylie Jenner Challenge to make your lips bigger and fuller.This has caused loads of consequences like bruising, cuts, ect. Do you want the Kylie Jenner lips but don't want to risk the pain from the challenge? Read on!!!

What you'll need:
~Lip liner
~Lip stick/Gloss
~Lips! :3

Out line your lips with the lip liner.

Smuge the lip liner a bit.

Fill it in with lip gloss ~ I used nude with a mix of red.

Pout and take a selfie!!! xD Try saying 'prunes' to make your pout look more natural :)

(Sorry about my skin!!! I just woke up :3 )

Enjoy :D

Saturday 18 April 2015

My friends think I hate hugs , but in reality , I want someone to hug me without hesitation or asking if I want one.

Im here for my friends when they have problems, but when I have problems they walk away from me, even if im crying my heart out all over again.

Monday 6 April 2015

Bucket List!

Woahhh I haven't been on here since forever! Sorry!!!!!!!

Embrace your weirdness!!!!! Cause an original is worth more than a copy!!!!

Ahhhhh I have no idea what to write so imma just post something random!!!!!!

Bucket List!  ( ~~~Why do they call it that?? )

1~ Publish a book
2~ Climb the Eiffel Tower
3~ Go to 4 different country's in 6 months
4~ Grow a pineapple!
5~ Make someone smileeeee :)
6~ Design clothes
7~ Have a food fight!
8~ Be a vegetarian for a month!
9~ Go without Social Media ( or your phone/computer) for a week ~ Or maybe two!!
10~ Get your own micro-nation!
11~ Get your fortune told!
12~ See your fav singer live and meet them!
13~ Fill up a truck with blankets and drive in the country at night and look at the stars!
14~ Say yes to everything for a whole day!
15~ Learn a new trick
16~ Bake brownie in a mug!!!! Yum!!!
17~ Make a music video!
18~ Have a photo shoot
19~ Make a rock-friend and carry it around with you :3
20~ Do something that scares you...

Let me know if you do any of these or have any other ideas ~ I'd love to here it!!! :)

Bucket List!

Woahhh I haven't been on here since forever! Sorry!!!!!!!

Embrace your weirdness!!!!! Cause an original is worth more than a copy!!!!

Ahhhhh I have no idea what to write so imma just post something random!!!!!!

Bucket List!

1~ Publish a book
2~ Climb the Eiffel Tower
3~ Go to 4 different country's in 6 months
4~ Grow a pineapple!
5~ Make someone smileeeee :)
6~ Design clothes
7~ Have a food fight!
8~ Be a vegetarian for a month!
9~ Go without Social Media ( or your phone/computer) for a week ~ Or maybe two!!
10~ Get your own micro-nation!
11~ Get your fortune told!
12~ See your fav singer live and meet them!
13~ Fill up a truck with blankets and drive in the country at night and look at the stars!
14~ Say yes to everything for a whole day!
15~ Learn a new trick
16~ Bake brownie in a mug!!!! Yum!!!
17~ Make a music video!
18~ Have a photo shoot
19~ Make a rock-friend and carry it around with you :3
20~ Do something that scares you...

Let me know if you do any of these or have any other ideas ~ I'd love to here it!!! :)

Sunday 8 March 2015


Sorry again for the lack of posts! It was my birthday a week ago and this week I've been ill and unable to go online , so sorry xxxxx

For my birthday I got a movie ( OMG never!!! xD) The movie wasn't paticulraly sad until this one bit where her brother dies. She is crying her heart out and then it flashes back to memorys of her brother and she say's something like ''He will never be a basketball player, never graduate , never fall in love, never have a first kiss.'' Then you saw his empty bed and the grandparents being told. This made me think that no matter what you gotta do what you do now because you never know when it could be taken away from you .

Right !!!

I might post some photos of random things I've taken , I don't know if you want to see it tho :/ Oh well I dont care. :)

I have a new addiction - Hetalia. It's a anime/ manga and OMG ITS AMAZING! I LOVE IT!
I have a confession *blushes* o'.'o I can't get to sleep at night without thinking of me and romano

Sorry for this lame post and sorry for saying sorry to much ! Oh damn! Sorry! Grrr!


I will post better next week xxx

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Learning a new language!


Do you want to go abroad or communicate to someone that speaks a different language to you but you're often held down by the language barrier? I am!

My family is very multi-cultural , and I hear lots of different languages in my household on a daily basis . I can understand what they mean a bit but im defiantly not fluent! So , I decided to get off ma butt and learn some languages .

What I'm already learning:

What I want to learn:

I know that's quite a bit but I am motivated to learn them! Haha ! What languages do you learn? What ones do you want to learn?

My top tips are:
Put music on from that country and try to figure out what it means!
Set your phone to a different language at night and try and figure out how to set it back in the morning or you could just leave the language and get used to it.
Go on a translator and write in funny sentences , try and learn them!

Good luck!
Tell me how you get on!



Saturday 14 February 2015

Valentine's treat ~EASY!

Hey there!!!
Happy Valentine's day to all of ya!
I love you xx
What are you doin with your lover?
Tell me if your goin out anywhere with him or her, or if you got a special treat from them?!

Dont worry if you dont have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet !  I dont have a boyfriend but that doesn't mean I cant join in with the fun and so can you!

No matter what day of the year it is, I love to make food so I've come up with this easy recipe that you can give to your special someone or if your like me, you could just eat them alllllll!


What you need: 

Sticks ( Cake pop sticks are amazing for this ;)  or just cocktail sticks )
Marshmallows (Any color but pink is more valentine themed )

1~ Melt the chocolate over the sauce pan for a few minutes until there is no lumps left .
2~ Put the sprinkles in a bowl and leave to one side .
3~ Dip the tip of the stick in the chocolate and stick in marshmallows .
4~ Dip the top of the marshmallows into the chocolate and then into the sprinkles . 
5~ Allow to cool .
6~ Decorate the sticks with ribbons .
7~ ENJOY!!!!

You could also put them in a jar with some chocolate :)
Some of you might prefer the healthier option which is fruit :) either way there still YUMMY!!! xx

I love you guys xxx

Copy Right Not Intended on photos :)

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Rant alert


im so sorry to take it out on here but i really really need to get it out because my day has been so crap!

I had an arugument with my friend the other day and I appologised because i had a bad day , but then she starts insulting me and swearing at me . Then next day she doesn't come into school and her peraqnts ring up the school . . Then today at schoolo the head of house makes me talk to her. Then im instantly the bad one. You know what the Head of house says to me?

''What has she been saying to you?''
''That I make everyones lives misreble , Im selfish and that I ruin friendships.'' I reply
''You do.'' The HOH says back.

But what i don't fuckin like is that they think they no me. well they fucking dont.
There like oh she knows you better than you know yourself.
I think to my self FUCKING FUCKING LIES! but i simply sit there crying and noding. I fucking hate that school. So so so fucking much.

Rant over.
I'm so sorry to take this out on here and this isn't even half of it but thanks for putting up with it (: xxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 8 February 2015

Facts about me (:

I said a few weeks ago I was gonna do 15 facts about me! So here goes ...

1:I'm half Belgian half English
2:I tried committing suicide twice
3: My favorite sound is the sound guinea pigs make :3
4: My favorite singers are Selena Gomez, Becky G and Kety Perry. I've seen Selena and Katy live.
5: I would rather hear my crushes voice than listen to my favorite song
6: I have social anxiety
7:My favorite book it Th1r3en Reasons Why.
8: Im obsessed with Hetalia!!!
9: I love horror movies and scaring myself
10:I want to travel the world
11: I've lived in France for a few months
12:There's this boy and he kinda has my heart...
13: My favorite number
14: I am a red head
15: I need something interesting...hmm...Ummmm its not very interesting and I bet your falling asleep now ahaha but I can rap.

Sorry , i'm kinda boring!

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Kindness :)


This month is my birthday! Yay! ( Also Happy birthday to anyone who also has there birthday this month :D ) So I've decided to do 13 Random acts of kindness! 

1) Give out balloons to Children :)
2)Donate old clothes/books :D
3)Smile at a stranger
4) Give a compliment to someone random
5) Go to a clothes shop and drop little notes of happiness in pockets. ( My fave :) )
6)Talk to the shy person who’s sitting by themselves at school or wherever. 
7)Give out flowers
8) Hold open a door
9)Let the person behind you at the shop checkout with one or two items go ahead of you.
10)Write someone a letter. Like a real letter, on paper. And mail it!
11)Give someone a book you think they’d like.
12)Give someone a hug. :)
13)Put sticky notes with positive slogans on the mirrors in Bathrooms!!!

Theese acts of kindness are small but just by doing one you could brighten up someones day (: 

Tell me some more acts of kindness and if you're going to do any!!! 

Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Sunday 1 February 2015

Bestfriends (the cheesey bit!)

Hi there!

Do you have a bestfriend? How many do you have? I have 3 living near me.
They are the best people in the world and I know I can reley on them and that I can tell them anything.  Although sometimes I can be a bit mean but hey,  bestfriends are mean to your face and say nice things about you behind your back. (:

What are your bestie's called? How long have you known each other? I've known popsey (nickname) for agessss, I think it was when we were babys . I've known Maebleen (nickname again) since the start of highschool because we were in the same form . Ive know noushi :3 the least longest because we only socialised when we sat next to eachother on a school trip .

I love going uptown and shopping woth my friends, a few months back me,  noushi and a few others went to see TFIOS haha it was so funny because we all started crying. Yesterday when I was ill Maebleen and popsey rang me up and asked if they could come see me. That cheered me up alot!

Do you fall out with your bestfriends? Occasionally, but it's mostly because of something stupid like boys or who looks better in what. But no matter what we always sort it out!

Tell me about your bestfriend/'s !? What do you like most about them? Favorite memory? Sleepovers?  Birthday partys?

Love chuuuu guys!!! Xxxx

Thursday 29 January 2015

Tooth out???


I might have to have my tooth removed!!! I'm freaking out right now because im really scared of a) needles b) pain c) the sound it'll make!!!!

I've never had a tooth out before but it sends shivers down my spine thinking about it. Almost all my friends have and they said it hurts.

I might need it out because in August it clicked and came rotten ( kinda ) and half my gum near the tooth is hanging off and it turns red and swollen sometimes.

Tell me, does it hurt? What do they do? Advice???

Thank you so much ma lovleys xxxxxx

p.s. I might do a random facts about me post in a few days...

Behind a smile...

Hey guys!

Today I want to tell ya all about something I realized at school on Friday.

Theres this girl in my form( never! haha) but I always thought she was the happy kind that had the pefect life but i found out that her life isn't perfect. Her mum is gone, she might have a brother that has down-syndrome that she didn't know about.

Theres also this boy in my form too, he's kiind of the rough type. But i found out that his brother is in prison and today was the first time he saw him after he came out of prison.

What i'm trying to say is that i didn't know these things because i never talked to them.

You don't know what someone is going through behind there smile so dont judge! (:

xxxx lots of loves xxxx

Monday 19 January 2015

Even the strongest people break...


So today I was gonna tell you all about my sappy love life but i will save that for another time. Today i want to talk to you guys about being strong.

Today at school , someone broke down. Someone that you would think that would break down.
She got frustrated and angry and cried and stormed out. You wouldn't believe it.

You wouldn't think that someone like that could break so easily. But she did.

You know what? No matter how strong a person you are , we all break at some point in our lives.

Even the strongest people...

Stay strong guys!!!

Tell me i'f you've ever broken down.

Lavvvvv you!! xxxx

Saturday 17 January 2015

New Year New Me?

Hi there!!!

Its the new year! Horay! or maybe Boo!!!
The new year is a time to forget about things that happend in the past (last year) and to focus on all the good things that are coming your way this year!

Another thing for the start of the year is a new years resulution...eek!!

Here are mine :

~Get fit!
~Love myself first!
~Be positive :)
~Help people around me!

Although I dont stick to mine half the time i figured that i could stick to most of these apart from the get fit one , though even if its 5 miniutes of jogging on the spot it would still help. I could even do computer exercises.

What are your new year resulotins / goals?

Good Luck!! :D You can do it!!! If I can so can you!!! xxx


Today I wanna talk to ya'll about secrets! OoOo!!!

Secrets can be good :) 
Secrets can be bad :( 
Some secrets can be both :/ 

It sounds like the start of a poem :3 Feel free to finish it if you like but be sure to send me a copy :3 Haha!

Do you like it when your friends keep secrets from you? I dont , it makes me feel self conscious about myself , like im not good enough to know them , like i have to change to know it. And most of the time there ...well - crap! 

But whats worse is when your family keep secrets from you. Has this happened to you before? It's happend to me before but i tend not to care anymore , i have other things to do. 

I used to think secrets were trouble , and sometimes they are , but then i realized almost everyone has a secret or something they dont wish to share with everyone - it's like their little space of comfort or sometimes torture. It could be a good secret like their planning a surprise party or gift for someone or it could be bad or serious like they self harm or they get abused . If you have something that you dont want to tell anyone but feel like you have too , find someone you trust - me( I wont judge!) , friends , family ,teachers , diary or even a blog! I kinda started my blog to vent on and it worked , now i feel better and no one even has to know its you! 

Have you had a secret that got out and something bad ( or good) happened in return ? Tell me in the comments!!! xx 

Xxxx Lava chuuu!!! xx

Friday 16 January 2015

Positively positive! :)

Hi there!

Im going to talk (well type) to you all today about posititivty! I think positivity is a vital thing in life and even if it is little things it still makes a difference to you and that person.

Today I was in a right mood and it made it worst that we had a french test! Eeeekkk! But I got on with it and even tho i knew i did bad i still tried , we had to jumble up our tests and then we got a random one , the person who had me isn't my friend but you know what he did? He wrote by my score 'Well Done!!! :)' And even though thats a small thing , it really made my day.

Do you see what i'm trying to say?

I want to make someone happy each day i'm alive and thats my New Years resolution , whats yours?

I cant stick to NYR though haha but I will try and train myself to . I'd love it if you could help me and do something like this , do you have any other ideas? Let me know in the comments below xx

Smile!!! :D :D :D xxxxx

Sunday 11 January 2015


Who's hair do i envy?
Becky G's, whether it's all her own or not..i think it looks amazing.
I would kill for hair like that , i am in love with it! I really want longer hair just so i can tie it up nicely and stuff and look good for photos :) What type of hair do you have? Do you like it?
Also another problem I have is the wildness of it , unless i put the straightners through it , it is - poof! Just so big , it looks like a lions mane :3 

I also bleached it - big mistake! Because I have red hair it came out kinda white and now I have about a million split ends! Arghhh!!! 
How can I make my hair grow faster and healthier ??? xx

Thank you xx

I got this from my aunty for christmas! It covers up the white hahaha!