Sunday, 1 February 2015

Bestfriends (the cheesey bit!)

Hi there!

Do you have a bestfriend? How many do you have? I have 3 living near me.
They are the best people in the world and I know I can reley on them and that I can tell them anything.  Although sometimes I can be a bit mean but hey,  bestfriends are mean to your face and say nice things about you behind your back. (:

What are your bestie's called? How long have you known each other? I've known popsey (nickname) for agessss, I think it was when we were babys . I've known Maebleen (nickname again) since the start of highschool because we were in the same form . Ive know noushi :3 the least longest because we only socialised when we sat next to eachother on a school trip .

I love going uptown and shopping woth my friends, a few months back me,  noushi and a few others went to see TFIOS haha it was so funny because we all started crying. Yesterday when I was ill Maebleen and popsey rang me up and asked if they could come see me. That cheered me up alot!

Do you fall out with your bestfriends? Occasionally, but it's mostly because of something stupid like boys or who looks better in what. But no matter what we always sort it out!

Tell me about your bestfriend/'s !? What do you like most about them? Favorite memory? Sleepovers?  Birthday partys?

Love chuuuu guys!!! Xxxx

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