Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Learning a new language!


Do you want to go abroad or communicate to someone that speaks a different language to you but you're often held down by the language barrier? I am!

My family is very multi-cultural , and I hear lots of different languages in my household on a daily basis . I can understand what they mean a bit but im defiantly not fluent! So , I decided to get off ma butt and learn some languages .

What I'm already learning:

What I want to learn:

I know that's quite a bit but I am motivated to learn them! Haha ! What languages do you learn? What ones do you want to learn?

My top tips are:
Put music on from that country and try to figure out what it means!
Set your phone to a different language at night and try and figure out how to set it back in the morning or you could just leave the language and get used to it.
Go on a translator and write in funny sentences , try and learn them!

Good luck!
Tell me how you get on!



Saturday, 14 February 2015

Valentine's treat ~EASY!

Hey there!!!
Happy Valentine's day to all of ya!
I love you xx
What are you doin with your lover?
Tell me if your goin out anywhere with him or her, or if you got a special treat from them?!

Dont worry if you dont have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet !  I dont have a boyfriend but that doesn't mean I cant join in with the fun and so can you!

No matter what day of the year it is, I love to make food so I've come up with this easy recipe that you can give to your special someone or if your like me, you could just eat them alllllll!


What you need: 

Sticks ( Cake pop sticks are amazing for this ;)  or just cocktail sticks )
Marshmallows (Any color but pink is more valentine themed )

1~ Melt the chocolate over the sauce pan for a few minutes until there is no lumps left .
2~ Put the sprinkles in a bowl and leave to one side .
3~ Dip the tip of the stick in the chocolate and stick in marshmallows .
4~ Dip the top of the marshmallows into the chocolate and then into the sprinkles . 
5~ Allow to cool .
6~ Decorate the sticks with ribbons .
7~ ENJOY!!!!

You could also put them in a jar with some chocolate :)
Some of you might prefer the healthier option which is fruit :) either way there still YUMMY!!! xx

I love you guys xxx

Copy Right Not Intended on photos :)

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Rant alert


im so sorry to take it out on here but i really really need to get it out because my day has been so crap!

I had an arugument with my friend the other day and I appologised because i had a bad day , but then she starts insulting me and swearing at me . Then next day she doesn't come into school and her peraqnts ring up the school . . Then today at schoolo the head of house makes me talk to her. Then im instantly the bad one. You know what the Head of house says to me?

''What has she been saying to you?''
''That I make everyones lives misreble , Im selfish and that I ruin friendships.'' I reply
''You do.'' The HOH says back.

But what i don't fuckin like is that they think they no me. well they fucking dont.
There like oh she knows you better than you know yourself.
I think to my self FUCKING FUCKING LIES! but i simply sit there crying and noding. I fucking hate that school. So so so fucking much.

Rant over.
I'm so sorry to take this out on here and this isn't even half of it but thanks for putting up with it (: xxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Facts about me (:

I said a few weeks ago I was gonna do 15 facts about me! So here goes ...

1:I'm half Belgian half English
2:I tried committing suicide twice
3: My favorite sound is the sound guinea pigs make :3
4: My favorite singers are Selena Gomez, Becky G and Kety Perry. I've seen Selena and Katy live.
5: I would rather hear my crushes voice than listen to my favorite song
6: I have social anxiety
7:My favorite book it Th1r3en Reasons Why.
8: Im obsessed with Hetalia!!!
9: I love horror movies and scaring myself
10:I want to travel the world
11: I've lived in France for a few months
12:There's this boy and he kinda has my heart...
13: My favorite number
14: I am a red head
15: I need something interesting...hmm...Ummmm its not very interesting and I bet your falling asleep now ahaha but I can rap.

Sorry , i'm kinda boring!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Kindness :)


This month is my birthday! Yay! ( Also Happy birthday to anyone who also has there birthday this month :D ) So I've decided to do 13 Random acts of kindness! 

1) Give out balloons to Children :)
2)Donate old clothes/books :D
3)Smile at a stranger
4) Give a compliment to someone random
5) Go to a clothes shop and drop little notes of happiness in pockets. ( My fave :) )
6)Talk to the shy person who’s sitting by themselves at school or wherever. 
7)Give out flowers
8) Hold open a door
9)Let the person behind you at the shop checkout with one or two items go ahead of you.
10)Write someone a letter. Like a real letter, on paper. And mail it!
11)Give someone a book you think they’d like.
12)Give someone a hug. :)
13)Put sticky notes with positive slogans on the mirrors in Bathrooms!!!

Theese acts of kindness are small but just by doing one you could brighten up someones day (: 

Tell me some more acts of kindness and if you're going to do any!!! 

Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Bestfriends (the cheesey bit!)

Hi there!

Do you have a bestfriend? How many do you have? I have 3 living near me.
They are the best people in the world and I know I can reley on them and that I can tell them anything.  Although sometimes I can be a bit mean but hey,  bestfriends are mean to your face and say nice things about you behind your back. (:

What are your bestie's called? How long have you known each other? I've known popsey (nickname) for agessss, I think it was when we were babys . I've known Maebleen (nickname again) since the start of highschool because we were in the same form . Ive know noushi :3 the least longest because we only socialised when we sat next to eachother on a school trip .

I love going uptown and shopping woth my friends, a few months back me,  noushi and a few others went to see TFIOS haha it was so funny because we all started crying. Yesterday when I was ill Maebleen and popsey rang me up and asked if they could come see me. That cheered me up alot!

Do you fall out with your bestfriends? Occasionally, but it's mostly because of something stupid like boys or who looks better in what. But no matter what we always sort it out!

Tell me about your bestfriend/'s !? What do you like most about them? Favorite memory? Sleepovers?  Birthday partys?

Love chuuuu guys!!! Xxxx