Monday, 17 November 2014


A thing decided I will do next year is to read more books. I used to be such a bookworm haha! I'd get books for Birthdays and Christmas and it would be amazing!Have you felt this way? It's pretty good :D and the best bit is when you finish it even though its the most saddest, especially when you finish a series :( and you're just like ''Well , what do I do now?'' . Though I lost my love for reading when I started school again. It became too much work with Homework and all, It just made me mad.  I bought a kindle in the hope that if I left it by my bed I will read it for an hour or a half before I go to sleep ...but this never happened. A few weeks ago, I started reading 'Dork Diaries' 'Once upon A dork' because I'm kinda a dork and I can relate to it haha! ; It's also an easy book to read which I thought would be good to get me back into reading because if I had a loooongggg complicated book I would just go 'Nope!'. It made me want to start reading again. So, that's what i shall do. I will set aside time, whether it's just whilst I'm waiting for something or before bed , I WILL read more books!!!

What books do you read?
What do you recommend? 


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