Thursday, 18 June 2015

Motivation & Inspiration!!!


If you're like me , you get inspired to be fit and eat healthy one minute and try it out for about 3 days - don't see any change and give up. Yep. We've all been there!
What everyone on these fitness videos/blogs/apps always say is you have to do it everyday for about a month to see change - wait! A month!? Yep! So this is what im going to do to get motivated over summer and get the body I've always wanted. It wont come easy but it will be worth it. Promise!

a~ Follow fitness accounts ( @blogilates ect.) get inspired off them.
b~ Unfollow them girls at your school/work with them perfect bodies - it's all lies darling! Everyone knows them girls who always brag about their figure and post pics of them on instagram with their tops rolled up and say stuff like 'I need to work on my figure.' Them accounts make you feel down right shit. UNFOLLOW!
c~ Follow daily inspo accounts . That make you feel better.
d~ Download fitness apps (Pump up , calorie counter, ect. are all good ones!)
e~ Learn some easy healthy recipes and -eeekkk - limit the amount of fatty foods you eat ( Especially le chocolate *faints* )
f~  Go on youtube for some fitness videos - there easy to find!!!
g~ Set your self a goal!!! Do you want abs? To loose 5 pounds? Do you want to look good in a bikini? Whatever it is , keep reminding yourself that you WILL get there! Set a photo of a goal on your phone , hang a dress you want to fit into on your door so each morning it'll remind you.
h~ Make yourself a fitness colander. Put at least 3 exercises you want to do each day on them - they're super easy!!
i~ Reward yourself! If you do this for a month then go buy yourself something you love or have always wanted.  ( Plus - a little chocolates always good ;) )

Work outs you could do:

20 squats,
50 air punches ( high , low , right , left )
20 Leg lifts

30 jumping jacks
20 roller-blades
jogging on the spot for 1-3 minutes

10 push ups
10 sit-ups
Plank for as long as possible ( feel the burnnnn!)

30 Squats
25 lunges
50 jumping jacks

3 mins of jog and points (jog on the spot and lift your legs up to point at them)
100 air punches
10 sit-ups
10 leg lifts

Swimming (Whatever you fancy )

Relax if you wish too!

*** Warning! You will feel sore! Take a nice hot bath to relax and sleep and drink plenty of water!***

(( If your struggling with the sit-ups place your feet under something like a bed or get someone to hold them ))

Remember to see an improvement you gotta keep at it. It takes 21 days for a habit to form so try and do this for 21 days for it to become a habit. Goodluck!!!