Sorry again for the lack of posts! It was my birthday a week ago and this week I've been ill and unable to go online , so sorry xxxxx
For my birthday I got a movie ( OMG never!!! xD) The movie wasn't paticulraly sad until this one bit where her brother dies. She is crying her heart out and then it flashes back to memorys of her brother and she say's something like ''He will never be a basketball player, never graduate , never fall in love, never have a first kiss.'' Then you saw his empty bed and the grandparents being told. This made me think that no matter what you gotta do what you do now because you never know when it could be taken away from you .
Right !!!
I might post some photos of random things I've taken , I don't know if you want to see it tho :/ Oh well I dont care. :)
I have a new addiction - Hetalia. It's a anime/ manga and OMG ITS AMAZING! I LOVE IT!
I have a confession *blushes* o'.'o I can't get to sleep at night without thinking of me and romano
Sorry for this lame post and sorry for saying sorry to much ! Oh damn! Sorry! Grrr!
I will post better next week xxx