Thursday, 29 January 2015

Tooth out???


I might have to have my tooth removed!!! I'm freaking out right now because im really scared of a) needles b) pain c) the sound it'll make!!!!

I've never had a tooth out before but it sends shivers down my spine thinking about it. Almost all my friends have and they said it hurts.

I might need it out because in August it clicked and came rotten ( kinda ) and half my gum near the tooth is hanging off and it turns red and swollen sometimes.

Tell me, does it hurt? What do they do? Advice???

Thank you so much ma lovleys xxxxxx

p.s. I might do a random facts about me post in a few days...

Behind a smile...

Hey guys!

Today I want to tell ya all about something I realized at school on Friday.

Theres this girl in my form( never! haha) but I always thought she was the happy kind that had the pefect life but i found out that her life isn't perfect. Her mum is gone, she might have a brother that has down-syndrome that she didn't know about.

Theres also this boy in my form too, he's kiind of the rough type. But i found out that his brother is in prison and today was the first time he saw him after he came out of prison.

What i'm trying to say is that i didn't know these things because i never talked to them.

You don't know what someone is going through behind there smile so dont judge! (:

xxxx lots of loves xxxx

Monday, 19 January 2015

Even the strongest people break...


So today I was gonna tell you all about my sappy love life but i will save that for another time. Today i want to talk to you guys about being strong.

Today at school , someone broke down. Someone that you would think that would break down.
She got frustrated and angry and cried and stormed out. You wouldn't believe it.

You wouldn't think that someone like that could break so easily. But she did.

You know what? No matter how strong a person you are , we all break at some point in our lives.

Even the strongest people...

Stay strong guys!!!

Tell me i'f you've ever broken down.

Lavvvvv you!! xxxx

Saturday, 17 January 2015

New Year New Me?

Hi there!!!

Its the new year! Horay! or maybe Boo!!!
The new year is a time to forget about things that happend in the past (last year) and to focus on all the good things that are coming your way this year!

Another thing for the start of the year is a new years resulution...eek!!

Here are mine :

~Get fit!
~Love myself first!
~Be positive :)
~Help people around me!

Although I dont stick to mine half the time i figured that i could stick to most of these apart from the get fit one , though even if its 5 miniutes of jogging on the spot it would still help. I could even do computer exercises.

What are your new year resulotins / goals?

Good Luck!! :D You can do it!!! If I can so can you!!! xxx


Today I wanna talk to ya'll about secrets! OoOo!!!

Secrets can be good :) 
Secrets can be bad :( 
Some secrets can be both :/ 

It sounds like the start of a poem :3 Feel free to finish it if you like but be sure to send me a copy :3 Haha!

Do you like it when your friends keep secrets from you? I dont , it makes me feel self conscious about myself , like im not good enough to know them , like i have to change to know it. And most of the time there ...well - crap! 

But whats worse is when your family keep secrets from you. Has this happened to you before? It's happend to me before but i tend not to care anymore , i have other things to do. 

I used to think secrets were trouble , and sometimes they are , but then i realized almost everyone has a secret or something they dont wish to share with everyone - it's like their little space of comfort or sometimes torture. It could be a good secret like their planning a surprise party or gift for someone or it could be bad or serious like they self harm or they get abused . If you have something that you dont want to tell anyone but feel like you have too , find someone you trust - me( I wont judge!) , friends , family ,teachers , diary or even a blog! I kinda started my blog to vent on and it worked , now i feel better and no one even has to know its you! 

Have you had a secret that got out and something bad ( or good) happened in return ? Tell me in the comments!!! xx 

Xxxx Lava chuuu!!! xx

Friday, 16 January 2015

Positively positive! :)

Hi there!

Im going to talk (well type) to you all today about posititivty! I think positivity is a vital thing in life and even if it is little things it still makes a difference to you and that person.

Today I was in a right mood and it made it worst that we had a french test! Eeeekkk! But I got on with it and even tho i knew i did bad i still tried , we had to jumble up our tests and then we got a random one , the person who had me isn't my friend but you know what he did? He wrote by my score 'Well Done!!! :)' And even though thats a small thing , it really made my day.

Do you see what i'm trying to say?

I want to make someone happy each day i'm alive and thats my New Years resolution , whats yours?

I cant stick to NYR though haha but I will try and train myself to . I'd love it if you could help me and do something like this , do you have any other ideas? Let me know in the comments below xx

Smile!!! :D :D :D xxxxx

Sunday, 11 January 2015


Who's hair do i envy?
Becky G's, whether it's all her own or not..i think it looks amazing.
I would kill for hair like that , i am in love with it! I really want longer hair just so i can tie it up nicely and stuff and look good for photos :) What type of hair do you have? Do you like it?
Also another problem I have is the wildness of it , unless i put the straightners through it , it is - poof! Just so big , it looks like a lions mane :3 

I also bleached it - big mistake! Because I have red hair it came out kinda white and now I have about a million split ends! Arghhh!!! 
How can I make my hair grow faster and healthier ??? xx

Thank you xx

I got this from my aunty for christmas! It covers up the white hahaha!